Your Conscious Journey

It is Boxing Day and the weather is glorious! I decided to take advantage of the beautiful sunshine by hopping onto little Beep Beep. My route was only going to be a short one as the temperature was still pretty cool. The moment I set out, the theme for today’s ride immediately came to mind – ‘Your Conscious Journey.’

When you ride a bike like this or even a pushbike, you really have to consider the route you are going to take; you cannot find yourself on fast roads or motorways. So your journey has to be planned. As we come to the end of 2016, has your life’s journey really been planned? Have you achieved what you set out to do this year? Did you even set yourself goals, have aims or aspirations? I know traditionally many people set resolutions in the New Year, but do you make a conscious effort in your life to take the path that energetically you had laid out for yourself?

This year we are fortunate that the new moon falls a few days before the New Year. This means we have two great opportunities to start to plan our path for the coming year and beyond. The new moon will be on 29th December and it will be in Capricorn. Capricorn is about being slow and steady towards your goals but it is also a time to be ambitious. Be aware that the energy of Capricorn can be quite hard, cold and controlling, so try to create a softness and kindness around your intentions. As many of you know, the new moon is the best time to start new projects, so take some time out to visualise not only for the next month, but also for 2017.

Every year, without fail, I create a number of lists on 31st December. I have different coloured sheets of A4 paper and at the top of each of these pieces of paper, I write the theme or the area of my life that I would like assistance with. Themes could include family, relationships, work/career, health, travel, spirituality and personal development. I clearly express, in the present tense, what I would like to achieve or where I need help in relation to each of these subject headings. I spend the best part of the day on the 31st December investing my time in these precious lists. At midnight, wherever I am, I read my lists out loud, whilst standing outside, offering up my intentions to the universe. I find this is to be very powerful. Maybe you would like to give it a try? What have you got to lose?

Happy manifesting!

Love Sarah and Beeps Beeps x

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